We Can All Agree This Turkish Air Pistol Shooter Is Probably The Last Guy You Ever Want To Come Across In Life

ALAIN JOCARD. Getty Images.

I still have no idea what the deal is with the air pistol shooting at the Olympics. I can't tell if they're actually shooting anything, or if it's like some sort of jacked up version of laser tag. All I can tell you is that it's made for some incredible images with the gear these guys wear. 

The shooting glasses with the scope attached to them. Some of them are wearing headphones. All around it's a pretty rad look, and you can tell that the majority of these competitors are shooting for sport. 

But then you have Yusuf Dikec from Turkey. And this is a man who looks like he shoots for business.

He doesn't need the glasses. He doesn't need to cover up one eye. He barely needs the plug in his ears. The man is just going to walk up, keep one hand in his pocket, another on the trigger, and come away with a silver medal without showing an ounce of emotion. It's as calm, cool, and collected as anybody could ever look with a pistol in their hand. Almost too cool, too calm, and too collected. All I'm saying is that it makes you wonder. I'm sure that by all accounts, Yusuf Dikec is a great guy to be friends with. But at the same time, it might be worth your while to not get on his bad side. 


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